單格填空第 5 題

It comes as no surprise that societies have codes of behavior; the character of the codes, on the other hand, can often be ______.

(A) predictable
(B) unexpected
(C) admirable
(D) explicit
(E) confusing

出處:OG, p.86, #1



  • code [kod] (n) 規範 (= rule) (MW1) a set of ideas or rules about how to behave (MW2) a system of principles or rules [例] Everyone in the organization has to follow its code of ethics (倫理道德).
  • character [ˈkærɪktɚ] (n) 特質 (有別於其他事物之處) (MW1) a set of qualities that make a place or thing different from other places or things (MW2) main or essential nature especially as strongly marked and serving to distinguish [例] the unique character of the town


  • admirable [ˈædmərəbəl] (a) 令人佩服的 (非常棒的) (MW1) deserving to be admired: very good (MW2) deserving the highest esteem: EXCELLENT [例] Loyalty was her most admirable quality.
  • explicit [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] (a) 清楚的 (MW1) very clear and complete: leaving no doubt about the meaning (MW2) fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity: leaving no question as to meaning or intent [例] Changes to the property can't be done without their explicit consent.

關鍵字句:no surprise、on the other hand。


關鍵字是no surprise,所以轉折訊號字on the other hand後要填反義字surprise,選項中只有 (B) “無法預期的” 能呼應surprise,故為正確答案。選項 (A) “可預期的” 是no surprise的同義字,為反面陷阱答案。其他選項皆與surprise / no surprise無關,不能選。 令人驚訝的事物通常是不可預期的,反過來說,可預期的事物通常不令人驚訝。因此,是否 “驚訝” 與能否 “預期、預測” 構成下列等價關係: “令人驚訝” = “無法預期、預測” (surprising, amazing, astonishing, astounding) unexpected, unpredictable “不令人驚訝” = “可預期、預測” (unsurprising) expected, predictable


The words "on the other hand" indicate that while the existence of societal codes of behavior is no surprise, their character may be quite surprising. Thus the correct answer is Choice B, unexpected, which means the same as surprising. "Predictable" is the very opposite of surprising, and none of the other answer choices means "surprising." Thus the correct answer is unexpected (Choice B).


社會有其行為規範並不令人驚訝;但另一方面來說,這些規範的特質往往是 ______。

(A) 可預期的
(B) 無法預期的
(C) 令人佩服的
(D) 清楚的
(E) 令人困惑的

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