Answer of Section 3, Question 4

Modern attempts to find a dark, brooding layer in Mozart's psychology have been (i)______. True, in his correspondence he once or twice displays depressive symptoms—alluding to his "black thoughts" and describing sensations of coldness and emptiness—but the context is (ii)______: in the first instance he is begging for money, and in the second he is telling his wife how much he misses her.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)
(A) uncommon (D) all-important
(B) unconvincing (E) barely relevant
(C) ubiquitous (F) giddily exotic


The correct answer for Blank (i) can't be determined without considering the second sentence. Looking to the second sentence, the word "but" hints at the idea that the two displays of depressive symptoms in Mozart's letters do not help to establish a "dark, brooding layer in Mozart's psychology." Given this, we can return to the first sentence and select "unconvincing" as the correct answer for Blank (i).

To select the correct answer for Blank (ii), we can look to what comes after the colon, which specifies the context of the two displays of depressive symptoms in Mozart's letters. The context suggests that the two displays weren't actually displays of chronic depression. So the context, we can conclude, is quite important in establishing that there's no "dark, brooding layer in Mozart's psychology." Given this, we can select "all-important" as the correct answer for Blank (iii).

Thus the correct answer is unconvincing and all-important.


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