Answer of Section 4, Question 7

Zadie Smith's White Teeth is ecstatically ______: Smith seems to have omitted no incident, no character, no metaphor, no joke that struck her fancy.

(A) comic
(B) empathetic
(C) cerebral
(D) inclusive
(E) all-encompassing
(F) intellectual


The colon indicates that the second part of the sentence will explain or spell out the first part. The second part tells us that Smith seems to have incorporated into her book all the incidents, characters, metaphors, and jokes that struck her fancy. Of the answer choices, "inclusive" and "all-encompassing" as well as "cerebral" and "intellectual" produce sentences that are alike in meaning, but only the first pair describes White Teeth in a way that is supported by the second part of the sentence.

Thus the correct answer is inclusive and all-encompassing.


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