單格填空第 2 題

Dominant interests often benefit most from ______ of governmental interference in business, since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.
當政府 ______ 干預企業時,壟斷性大企業獲益最大,因為不理它們,它們也能照顧好自己。

Blank 空格
(A) intensification 強化
(B) authorization 授權
(C) centralization 中央化
(D) improvisation 未準備
(E) elimination 消除

出處:OG, p.77, #1



  • dominant interests (n) 壟斷性大企業
    這裡的 interest 類似於 vested interest (既得利益者) 中的 interest。不曉得什麼是 dominant interests 不影響解題,從前後文看出它是 business 的一種即可。


  • intensify (v) 強化
    to become intense or more intensive: grow stronger or more acute
    選項為名詞 intensification。

  • authorize (v) 授權
    to invest especially with legal authority: EMPOWER
    選項為名詞 authorization。

  • centralize (v) 中央化
    to concentrate by placing power and authority in a center or central organization
    選項為名詞 centralization。

  • improvise (v) 未準備
    to make, invent, or arrange offhand
    選項為名詞 improvisation。

  • eliminate (v) 消除
    to put an end to or get rid of: REMOVE
    選項為名詞 elimination。


逗點後面的 they 和 themselves 指的是前面的 dominant interests。兩句以 since 連接,表因果關係,前後句概念一致。關鍵字為 left alone,表大企業 "單獨" 不受影響,因此政府應是 "不" 干預的,選項中只有 elimination 呼應 "不" 干預,其他選項皆不對。


The sentence explains why dominant interests often benefit from a certain condition. Since the explanation is that they are able to take care of themselves if left alone, it follows that the condition is one in which interference is absent. Thus the best answer is "elimination." None of the other answer choices suggests an absence of interference—indeed "intensification," "authorization," and "centralization" suggest quite the opposite. Thus the correct answer is elimination (Choice E).


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