單格填空第 3 題

Kagan maintains that an infant's reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or ______ signs of adolescent anxiety.

(A) prophetic
(B) normal
(C) monotonous
(D) virtual
(E) typical

出處:OG, p.77, #2



  • maintain [menˈten] (v) 聲稱 (MW) to affirm in or as if in argument: ASSERT (AL) to say that (something) is true [例] She maintains that my theory is flawed.


  • prophetic (a) 預言的 (= predictive) (MW) foretelling (預言) events: PREDICTIVE


The sentence contrasts the infant's reactions, part of a normal developmental process, with future unhappiness and anxiety. The missing word describes signs of adolescent anxiety as they relate to the infant. Choice A is correct: "prophetic" signs, like harbingers, foretell future occurrences, and for the infant, adolescent anxiety is a future occurrence. Since an infant cannot literally display signs of adolescent anxiety, "normal," "monotonous," and "typical" are all incorrect. And "virtual" is incorrect, because virtual signs are not real signs, and what Kagan is denying is that the infant's reactions are not real signs of later unhappiness. Thus the correct answer is prophetic (Choice A).


Kagan 聲稱嬰兒面對第一次面對壓力的反應是自然的發展過程,並非童年不快樂的預兆,也不是青少年期焦慮的 ______ 症狀。

(A) 預言的
(B) 正常的
(C) 單調的
(D) 虛擬的
(E) 典型的

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